Community-building workshops across the UK

The fethr team spent September helping iQ students break the ice as they started university, with over 20 speed friending events, across the UK from Huddersfield to Brighton. Find out more about iQ Student Accommodation at

How to create a community with purpose and belonging

A letter to companies, societies, and DAOs: Get up, go to your job working together to provide solutions to people’s problems; lunchtime arrives, check in with your book club forum to drop a few literary first impressions; end of the workday and it’s time for drinks with your friendship group; maybe on the weekend you’re doing some volunteering, or playing for a local sports team. Our lives are a constant journey between communities. They change […]

Why we should normalise friendship breakups and 5 friend red flags to look out for

All friendships are not created equal. While there is value to making new friends, in the same way we should always be prepared to end toxic friendships. Ending a friendship sucks, but it’s necessary. Research shows that negative social interactions inflame your body. As Dr Jan Yager writes in her book When Friendship Hurts, ‘The romanticized ideal that friendships should not end or fail may create unnecessary distress in those who should end a friendship […]

It’s time to prioritise meaningful connections

Since the start of COVID-19, we’ve been forced to reflect upon past lifestyle choices, values and goals. We’ve been confronted with the eternal question: what does it mean to live a truly meaningful life? We’ve had time to think about the people we spend our time with. One important change has been the shift away from collecting “friends,” towards finding and developing meaningful connections. A New York Times article by Kate Murphy titled “How to […]

6 Tips for Making Friends as an International Student

Adjusting to life in a new city can be daunting. You want to fall straight into a friendship circle of shared values and common interests, but the struggle to find these friends while navigating cultural differences truly is real. We get it, many of us have had similar experiences ourselves. So, we’d love to share some tips for making the transition a little kinder on your social life. Tip 1: Set realistic expectations You might […]